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Please note that some information on The Genetics Center web site and sites listed below is highly technical and may be subject to misinterpretation.  We recommend that any decisions based on information obtained from the internet be made in consultation with qualified health care professionals.
Alliance of Genetic Support Groups Resources for parents and physicians
Genetics Home Reference A guide for understanding genetic conditions by the National Library of Medicine
Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing Useful information for persons considering ordering genetic testing for themselves
My Family Health Portrait Create a family health history which can be printed, saved, and shared electronically
Cancer Genetics Information on genetic aspects of cancer from the National Cancer Institute
BRCA1 & BRCA2: Cancer Risk and Genetic Testing A fact sheet by the National Cancer Institute on the major breast cancer susceptibility genes
Breast Cancer Referral Screening Tool A short survey to determine who might benefit from genetic evaluation for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
Explore DNA Reference source on DNA and genetics
March of Dimes Excellent source of clinical information on genetic disorders
Myriad Genetics Breast cancer genetic testing laboratory
National Organization for Rare Disorders Resources for parents and physicians regarding uncommon genetic diseases

Sites intended mainly for geneticists and other health professionals
OMIM - Catalogue of genetic conditions Technical information primarily aimed at geneticists
GeneTests - Capsule reviews of genetic diseases Detailed information on many genetic conditions, including diagnosis, management, and genetic considerations
Pubmed - Easy searching of NIH databases Natural language searching of medical literature
BOADICEA - BRCA Risk Estimation University of Cambridge (UK) - requires registration
Cancer Gene (hereditary cancer risk estimation) BRCAPRO / MMRpro / PancPRO / MelaPRO probabilistic models - requires registration
Hereditary Cancer Testing (Myriad Labs) Resources for health care professionals regarding hereditary cancer susceptibility testing

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Revised April 19, 2013